Forerunner Kids
Our Vision for Our Kids
At FF, we believe in equipping the next generation into wholehearted love for Jesus and into doing the works of the Kingdom. Forerunner Kids isn’t about providing childcare while the parents participate in the real service. We are seeking to train up these smaller saints to become leaders in God’s Church, intercessors and worshipers in His prayer movement, and servants after His heart.
Our kids stay with us during worship and ministry time each week and then they leave us for the second half of service to go learn God’s Word with Bible instruction made just for them. Because we believe they have access to the same Holy Spirit that the moms and dads do, Forerunner Kids aims to train our kids how to do ministry just like their parents. We teach them to pray for people, we help them learn how to hear God’s voice, how to apply the Word of God to their daily lives, and how to be valuable members of our church body. This is anything but babysitting. Your kids will be challenged and will grow in their faith. They will also learn to value God’s Word as their personal foundation for truth.

“He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents…”
— Micah 4:6