
From early on in his walk with the Lord, our pastor, Brad Stroup, dedicated his life to studying the Word of God. He has been teaching the Bible weekly for over 20 years and has developed resources on many themes, which we are grateful to be able to share with you. Brad loves to encourage and instruct God’s people to pursue God wholeheartedly, and for the past number of years our church has been focused on developing resources on what a vibrant life in God looks like. We invite you to look through the series below, as well as check out some of the inspiring messages that have been shared by some of our others pastors at FF. Below you'll find links to several of our teaching series.

  • Culture of the Kingdom

    This is an extended series on the Sermon on the Mount where we will give a brief overview of the primary lessons from each of the chapters that make up this most celebrated message of Christ.  Matthew 5, 6 and 7 is something that we’ve talked a lot about around here over the years, and it’s exactly what we need to make sure that we get into the genetics of our church as we begin.  We never graduate from the basic principles of the Kingdom of God and while we may be able to say that know them the test is going to be did we live them out not could we quote them.  I’m praying that the Lord would use this series to convict us deeply and draw us closer to Him in the process.

  • God of Miracles

    The subject of miracles is an exciting and much unchartered territory for much of the body of Christ. As members of the Kingdom of God we have divine access to the God of Miracles, to know Him and to experience this explosive aspect of His nature as part of our relationship with Him. In this course we will look at what the Word of God has to say about this subject as well as talk about very practical ways that we can walk in the miraculous on a daily basis. We want to be people of faith who live according to what is written and who flow in the power of the one that dwells within us. In addition to developing this point doctrinally I will also be sharing many powerful miracles stories that I have personally experienced in order to encourage us and give us clarity of how this can look in the life of a believer.

  • Living For Eternity

    We are all going to live forever somewhere. The Bible promises us an eternity with God if we follow Jesus in this age, and that He longs to lavish eternal blessings on us in accordance to how we live now. These blessings will not all be the same, in fact, there’s a direct correlation between the decisions that we make in this life and our inheritance in the next. The only way that we can make sense of this present life is to peer into the next with eyes of faith so this connection is something that we really want to understand. The Word of God provides incredible insights about what is available to us in Heaven and our lives in the ages to come and we want our spirits to engage these truths about eternity. Living with an eternal perspective has a powerful effect on what we give our affections to and it causes us to focus on what really matters, overcome passivity and not live aimlessly. This series will help to fill our minds with eternity so that we are able empowered to pay more close attention to how we spend our time and energy now.

  • The Greatest Commandment

    Once Jesus was questioned about which of the commandments was the most important. They wanted to know what the greatest teaching was on the subject of God, genuine discipleship and obedience and He quickly changed the focus of the conversation from religious trivia to lifestyle and motivation. His answer was shocking and would have far reaching impact for the church; His answer was love, God wants our love. The primary pursuit of every believer should be to love God with all we have. We want to continually be on the journey of how to live wholeheartedly in the midst of trends all around us that seek to diminish our love for Jesus in this life. In this series are going to look at what this exhortation means and how we can apply it in our modern context.

  • Love One Another Deeply

    Jesus gave the Church many teachings which make up our faith, none so important as the command to love; to love Him and to love one another. In fact, the fullness of our discipleship can rightly be wrapped up in the pursuit of love. He clearly defines the kind of love that He desires to see in us, a love that is sincere, all-encompassing and sacrificial. It’s not enough that it is felt or intended, it must be expressed. God wants His family to love one another well and the New Testament is a dedicated instruction manual unto that end. In this series we will go on the journey of discovering all the ways that we have been called to express that love to each other.