By Brad Stroup
We are all going to live forever somewhere. The Bible promises us an eternity with God if we follow Jesus in this age, and that He longs to lavish eternal blessings on us in accordance to how we live now. These blessings will not all be the same, in fact, there’s a direct correlation between the decisions that we make in this life and our inheritance in the next. The only way that we can make sense of this present life is to peer into the next with eyes of faith so this connection is something that we really want to understand. The Word of God provides incredible insights about what is available to us in Heaven and our lives in the ages to come and we want our spirits to engage these truths about eternity. Living with an eternal perspective has a powerful effect on what we give our affections to and it causes us to focus on what really matters, overcome passivity and not live aimlessly. This series will help to fill our minds with eternity so that we are able empowered to pay more close attention to how we spend our time and energy now.