By Brad Stroup

Jesus gave the Church many teachings which make up our faith, none so important as the command to love; to love Him and to love one another. In fact, the fullness of our discipleship can rightly be wrapped up in the pursuit of love. He clearly defines the kind of love that He desires to see in us, a love that is sincere, all-encompassing and sacrificial. It’s not enough that it is felt or intended, it must be expressed. God wants His family to love one another well and the New Testament is a dedicated instruction manual unto that end. In this series we will go on the journey of discovering all the ways that we have been called to express that love to each other.

Session 1: Intro to the One Another’s
Brad Stroup
Session 2: Normal Christianity
Brad Stroup
Session 3: The Corporate Call
Brad Stroup
Session 4: A Life Lived Together
Brad Stroup
Session 5: God Is Love
Brad Stroup
Session 6: Loving With God’s Love
Brad Stroup
Session 7: The Way We Are to Love One Another
Brad Stroup
Session 8: The Reach to Love Well
Brad Stroup
Session 9: Devoted to Each Other
Brad Stroup
Session 10: Devoted to the Community God Placed Us In
Brad Stroup
Session 11: The Command to Love One Another
Brad Stroup
Session 12: The Second Greatest Commandment
Brad Stroup
Session 13: No Greater Love
Brad Stroup
Session 14: The Power of Love
Brad Stroup
Session 15: Called to Be One
Brad Stroup
Session 16: Unity Is God’s Priority for the Church
Brad Stroup
Session 17: What Unity Looks Practically Like
Brad Stroup
Session 18: We Are the Body of Christ
Brad Stroup
Session 19: We Are the Family of God
Brad Stroup
Session 20: Known by Love
Brad Stroup
Session 21: Called to Affection
Brad Stroup
Session 22: Dwelling With One Another
Brad Stroup
Session 23: Strengthening One Another
Brad Stroup
Session 24: Loving One Another Through Difficulty
Brad Stroup
Session 25: Forgiving One Another
Brad Stroup
Session 26: Correcting One Another
Brad Stroup
Session 27: Showing Humility to One Another
Brad Stroup
Session 28: Ministering to One Another
Brad Stroup
Session 29: How Not to Treat One Another
Brad Stroup
Session 30: The Benefits of Loving Well
Brad Stroup
Session 31: Connecting Our “Well Done” to the Way We Love
Brad Stroup